
Jean Baudrillard

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La société de consommation, ses mythes, ses structures

La consommation est devenue la morale de notre monde. Elle est en train de détruire les bases de l'être humain, c'est-à-dire l'équilibre que la pensée européenne, depuis les Grecs, a maintenu entre les racines mythologiques et le monde du logos. L'auteur précise : "Comme la société du Moyen Age s'équilibre sur la consommation et sur le diable, ainsi la nôtre s'équilibre sur la consommation et sur sa dénonciation".
11,20 €

La violence du monde

Non exchangeable & non refundable
3,00 €

Le système des objets

Non exchangeable - non refundable
6,00 €

Les Stratégies fatales

A rebours des idées reçues, des dogmes et des idéologies, une radiographie saisissante des sociétés contemporaines. Les Stratégies fatales ou la chronique du monde moderne. L'amour, la séduction, le plaisir, l'obscène... Jean Baudrillard explore quelques-uns des chemins de l'actualité.
7,90 €

L'illusion de la fin

Non exchangeable & non refundable
40,00 €

Mots de passe

En analysant, depuis plus de trente ans, les liens qu'entretiennent les grands mouvements de société et l'obsession contemporaine de la production, Jean Baudrillard s'est placé au cœur de la problématique d'une génération rebelle aux repères imposés par la toute-puissance du marché. À la " virtualisation " de notre monde, à l'univocité du " commerce " des signes, aux vertus illusoires de la transparence et aux mystifications de la valeur marchande, il oppose la prodigalité de l'échange symbolique, le défi de la séduction, le jeu infini de l'aléatoire, la réversibilité du destin.
Opérateurs de charme d'une pensée qui se revendique provocatrice et paradoxale, douze mots de passe - de l'" Échange symbolique " à la " Valeur ", de l'" Obscène " à la " Transparence du mal ", du " Crime parfait " au " Virtuel " - cristallisent ici les idées clefs de ses ouvrages, selon le principe esthétique et pédagogique d'un abécédaire.
8,30 €


In his analysis of the deep social trends rooted in production, consumption, and the symbolic, Jean Baudrillard touches the very heart of the concerns of the generation currently rebelling against the framework of the consumer society. With the ever-greater mediatization of society, Baudrillard argues that we are witnessing the virtualization of our world, a disappearance of reality itself, and perhaps the impossibility of any exchange at all. This disenchanted perspective has become the rallying point for all those who reject the traditional sociological and philosophical paradigms of our age. "Passwords" offers us twelve accessible and enjoyable entry points into Baudrillard's thought by way of the concepts he uses throughout his work: the object, seduction, value, impossible exchange, the obscene, the virtual, symbolic exchange, the transparency of evil, the perfect crime, destiny, duality, and thought.
18,00 €

The Perfect Crime

In his new book, perhaps the most cogent expression of his mature thought, Jean Baudrillard turns detective in order to investigate a crime which he hopes may yet be solved: the “murder” of reality. To solve the crime would be to unravel the social and technological processes by which reality has quite simply vanished under the deadly glare of media “real time.” But Baudrillard is not merely intending to lament the disappearance of the real, an occurrence he recently described as “the most important event of modern history,” nor even to meditate upon the paradoxes of reality and illusion, truth and its masks. The Perfect Crime is also the work of a great moraliste: a penetrating examination of vital aspects of the social, political and cultural life of the “advanced democracies” in the (very) late twentieth century. Where critics like McLuhan once exposed the alienating consequences of “the medium,” Baudrillard lays bare the depredatory effects of an oppressive transparency on our social lives, of a relentless positivity on our critical faculties, and of a withering ‘high definition’ on our very sense of reality.
22,50 €

The System of Objects

The System of Objects is a tour de force-a theoretical letter-in-a-bottle tossed into the ocean in 1968, which brilliantly communicates to us all the live ideas of the day-offering a cultural critique of the commodity in consumer society. Weaving Freudian and semiotic analysis with Marxism, Baudrillard seeks to analyse the immense proliferation of objects in modern society-from the clutter of a bourgeois home to the system of adverts and commercials all around us. In doing so, Baudrillard opened up new avenues for materialist analysis.
13,10 €