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A Dictionary of Superstitions

Did you know that it used to be the custom to fight at Scottish funerals until blood was drawn? If you've ever wanted the definitive answers on subjects such as black cats, magpies and spilt milk, look no further than this classic, critically acclaimed dictionary. Hundreds of superstitions and beliefs, including spells, cures, rituals, taboos, charms, and omens are covered, and illustrated by quotations that trace their development through the centuries. Subjects include advice on the signs to observe when getting married, the significance of animals, plants, stones, colours, food and drink, the elements and heavenly bodies, precautions to be taken after a death in the house, and many more. Superstitions are arranged alphabetically by subject, and fully cross referenced for easy browsing. In addition to providing quotations illustrating references to superstitions in everyday life , the dictionary also contains a wealth of information illustrating the history of popular superstition. For example, the lucky horseshoe was protection against witches in the sixteenth century, and touching wood may be a lingering memory of the veneration attached to the relics of the cross. Both informative and accessible, this dictionary is a browser's delight, and a fascinating work of reference for anyone with an interest in superstitions and their history.
12,20 €

ABC Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs (Yanyu)

This Chinese-English dictionary of proverbs (yanyu) consists of approximately 4,000 Chinese proverbs alphabetically arranged by the first word(s) (ci) of the proverb, according to the Hanyu Pinyin transcription and Chinese characters (standard simplified), followed by a literal (and when necessary also a figurative) English translation. Additional data such as brief usage notes, sources, parallel expressions, cross-references, and famous instances of use are provided where available. The proverbs are supplemented by an index of key words (both Chinese and English) found in all entries and of all topics addressed. The author has provided a scholarly introduction analyzing the definition, structure, usage, and history of these yanyu in traditional and contemporary China as well as a bibliography of collections and relevant scholarly studies of yanyu.
44,45 €

Abrégé du code typographique à l’usage de la presse

L'orthographe ne sert à rien. Sauf si l'on comprend mieux ce dont il s'agit lorsque l'on écrit « tonneau d'eau » plutôt que « tonodo ». Il en est de même des règles typographiques, qui n'ont d'autre but que de faciliter la lisibilité d'un texte. Or, aujourd'hui, ce ne sont plus des typographes hautement qualifiés qui composent les textes dans la presse et dans l'édition, mais les secrétaires d'édition, les auteurs ou les journalistes eux-mêmes. Ce petit livre est fait d'abord à leur attention. Ils y trouveront, parfaitement classés et illustrés, de nombreux exemples, toutes les règles de base de la présentation typographique : l'usage de l'italique, l'emploi des lettres capitales, la manière d'écrire les nombres, les abréviations, la ponctuation, la division des mots et des phrases. Il est également destiné à tous ceux que les règles typographique passionnent... ou effraient et qui souhaitent rendre plus lisibles leurs écrits. Quant à l'avalanche de textes qui inondent la toile, gageons qu'une modeste partie finira bien par « subir » la correction. On a le droit d'être optimiste !
13,20 €

Abrégé du dictionnaire Bailly grec français

Cette version abrégée du Bailly, fidèle à l'édition d'origine, constitue un outil pratique pour l'étude de la langue et de la civilisation grecque. On y trouve les principaux sens des termes grecs usuels. Cette version abrégée est idéale pour un premier apprentissage de la langue grecque.
26,50 €

Adonis to Zorro - Oxford Dictionary of Reference and Allusion

This absorbing and accessible A-Z explains the meanings of allusions in modern English, from Adonis to Zorro, Tartarus to Tarzan, and Rubens to Rambo. Fascinating to browse through, the book is based on an extensive reading programme that has identified the most commonly-used allusions. For the third edition all entries have been reviewed, revised, and thoroughly updated to ensure the consistency of coverage of allusions and references. New to this edition is the inclusion within each entry of a short summary definition for the allusion or reference, ideal for quick reference, and at least one illustrative citation from a wide range of source materials in almost every entry: from Aldous Huxley to Philip Roth, Emily Brontë to The Guardian Unlimited. A useful thematic index allows searching for allusions related to a specific topic, e.g. at Intelligence find Aristotle, Einstein, and Spock, and at Hair find Medusa, Samson, and Shirley Temple.
24,30 €

All die schönen Wörter. ... die wir vor dem Untergang retten sollten

Sprache ist etwas ungeheuer Lebendiges. Sie schafft neue Wörter und Begriffe und folgt damit den Entwicklungen in Gesellschaft und Politik, Wissenschaft und Technik. Sie verändert die Bedeutung von bestehenden Begriffen und wirft veraltete Ausdrücke auf den Müll der Sprachgeschichte. Geläufige Wörter sind stabil. Sie bilden den Grundwortschatz, auf den wir alle zugreifen, und verändern sich nur wenig. Seltener gebrauchte Wörter sind »anfälliger«, sie verschwinden eher von der sprachlichen Landkarte. Es sind aber gerade diese Wörter, die der Sprache ihren Nuancenreichtum, ihre Farbigkeit, ihre Originalität verleihen. Mit den Wörtern, die der Sprachgebrauch ad acta legt, verschwinden auch die Dinge, die sie bezeichnen, die Werte, die sie umschreiben, Denkweisen, die sich in ihnen niedergeschlagen haben. Und damit verschwindet nicht zuletzt auch ein Teil unserer ganz persönlichen Lebensgeschichte. Dörthe Binkert nimmt den Umgang mit der deutschen Sprache ins Visier und spürt den Trends des Sprachwandels nach. Sie kommentiert Begriff e, Redensarten und Wendungen der deutschen Sprache, die immer weniger Verwendung fi nden und vom Aussterben bedroht oder bereits mehr oder weniger aus dem aktiven Wortschatz verschwunden sind. Eine unterhaltsame und anrührende, aber auch eine zum Nachdenken anstiftende Lektüre.
12,00 €

Anti-fautes d'anglais

Indispensable pour s'exprimer sans faute en anglais ! Toutes les règles de grammaire De nombreux exemples Pour les études et les voyages L'essentiel de l'anglais Pratique et efficace Grammaire Mots-clés 1 000 verbes avec leur construction
4,00 €

Autodictionnaire Voltaire

Toutes les définitions de ce dictionnaire sont extraites de l'oeuvre et de la correspondance de Voltaire. Les entrées correspondent aux multiples domaines du savoir abordés par ce penseur des Lumières (société, religion, politique, pédagogie, etc.) et forment un portrait intellectuel de l'homme et de son époque.
28,00 €

Bertrand Russell's Dictionary of Mind, Matter and Morals

The Dictionary of Mind, Matter, and Morals contains more than 1000 selections from over 100 of Russell’s books and articles. It serves as an introduction to Russell’s brilliance in analysis, argument, and exposition which develops a clear notion of his method of approach, his fundamental principles and many of his leading ideas. Here is found definitions and terms reflected in the topics of Matter, Mind, and Morals. Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell was a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, social reformer, and pacifist. Although he spent the majority of his life in England, he was born in Wales, where he also died. Russell led the British "revolt against Idealism" in the early 1900s and is considered one of the founders of analytic philosophy along with his protégé Wittgenstein and his elder Frege. He co-authored, with A. N. Whitehead, Principia Mathematica, an attempt to ground mathematics on logic. His philosophical essay "On Denoting" has been considered a "paradigm of philosophy." Both works have had a considerable influence on logic, mathematics, set theory, linguistics and analytic philosophy. He was a prominent anti-war activist, championing free trade between nations and anti-imperialism. Russell was imprisoned for his pacifist activism during World War I, campaigned against Adolf Hitler, for nuclear disarmament, criticised Soviet totalitarianism and the United States of America's involvement in the Vietnam War. In 1950, Russell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, ""in recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he champions humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought.
14,10 €

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